Athletics Physical

Athletics Physical
8/7/2023, 8:00 AM 2:30 PM
Dorsey HS

Attention all students interested in sports. All student/ athletes must have a physical every year before participating in athletics.. On Monday Aug 7th & 14th we have free physicals here at school from 8AM-2:30PM. On Wednesday Aug 9th free physicals are available at WIC Obama on 3667 Crenshaw from 9AM-12PM and 1PM-3PM (parent needed). Please secure a form to complete with your signature from the coach or Athletic Director before getting your physical. Other options for a physical include the Florence/Western medical clinic (parent needed) @7301 S. Western Ave. Please call to check on availability (323) 778-2131. Also: Freshmen Parent Meeting Aug 9th 6PM.

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